What is the Cost of Private School in California?

The cost of attending a private school in the Bay Area can vary greatly depending on the program and services you choose. Some programs offer an all-inclusive cost structure, while others break down costs based on the services you use each month or year. You may be able to get a discount on private program prices by paying all year in advance or finding a program that allows you to pay tuition monthly or quarterly. It's important to research each program you're considering to get a detailed cost breakdown.

What tuition covers can vary significantly, so it's essential to ask schools what's included in the cost of tuition and what's not. Tuition is usually higher at the high school level, so it's important to inquire about how the cost changes depending on the grade level. It's also important to consider not only the current cost of private school, but also the future cost, as tuition will continue for many years. Many schools offer financial aid, with some offering aid to as much as 88% of their students and 90% receiving scholarships for more than 50% of enrollment. Parents should carefully evaluate the total costs associated with schools they are considering and the impact these costs could have on their ability to achieve other important life goals.

With this knowledge, you can compare different options and consider price as one of the deciding factors. The first costs you're likely to encounter when looking for a private school in the Bay Area are admission costs. Enrollment increases in private schools have averaged between 4 and 6% per year, compared to overall inflation of 2 to 3%. In addition to financial aid provided by schools, there are several private sources of financial aid for private schools. Most schools would like parents to participate 100% in the annual fundraiser, as it makes it easier for them to obtain scholarships and other sources of funding. When calculating the total cost of sending your child to private school, there are many other costs you should consider.

Although it's not an explicit cost, schools vary in the degree of parental involvement they expect, so it's worth asking what their expectations are in that area.